Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Besides being just down right fun, what is it about Facebook that has all my friends hooked? When my son or husband gets off of the computer I literally run to get on to check it. It doesn't matter what I'm in the middle of.I won't even go into the games. Brain exercise right? I love the stupid quizzes and the crazy list and I enjoy reading others. Yes I must confess I'm a cyber farmer as well. For these reasons I have neglected by blog . I will try to do better but will not promise anything. It's to much fun and it's like having all of your friends over. Time with friends and laughter are not time wasted.

1 comment:

BAM said...

hA! I'm not afraid to admit that I'm the same way. I can't get enough. It's just a great way to keep in touch with folks you talk to everynight and those you only talk with once a year.